The rich cultural experience of Akita’s diverse winter festivals.

Yokote Kamakura
Snow Festival

Got amazed of the Kamakura. Experienced the majestic view on top of the Yokote castle and had a taste of local food of Yokote while resting inside Kamakura! It was indeed a day of fun and learning as well!Darwin, Philippines

The snow hut is truly an admirable thing to witness and appreciate how the Japanese adapted to their weather conditions. It is amazing to witness how this was practiced and is still organized in modern day Japan.Fyfy, Botswana

Yokote kamakura festival is one of my favorite festivals in Akita. Mini-kamakura houses lighted up at night some themed ‘love’ gives one nothing but a feeling of excitement and fun. A fantastic festival it is!Kay, Botswana

Coming from a tropical country, I am fascinated with snow and much more with the concept of making a room out of a snow mound. But that’s not the only attraction in this festival. Kamakura Festival has a lot to offer…the white backdrop from the thick snow with mini-Kamakuras matched with the dancing and glowing illuminations, the sweet Amazake freely offered by the friendly junior high school students inside the Kamakura, the beautiful view of the Yokote castle the backdrop of the Kamakura’s, and the enchanting night view from the Yokote Castle. We also had the chance to lit up the candles inside the Kamakuras displayed along the road.Jen, Philippine
About festival
Kamakura snow festival is a folk tradition that has been carried out for 450 years. The dome itself is made entirely from snow and is called a Kamakura. More than 100 Kamakura of different sizes are created by local specialists, for festival goers to explore and enjoy with their families. Visitors can enjoy the traditional experience of eating “Mochi” (toasted rice cakes cooked on a grill) and drinking “Amazake” (non alcoholic sweet sake) all within the snow dome.
- Date:
- February 15th-16th
- Place:
- Doro Koen Park in front of Yokote City Hall, Yokote city, Akita Japan
- By train:
- Take Oou Line and get off JR Yokote station, free shuttle bus service to the site.
- By car:
- Akita express highway
Yokote I.C – Route.13 – Festival site (10min)

Hiburi-Kamakura festival 火振りかまくら

This festival was amazing! There you can try by yourself swinging a bale of hay with fire around your body. You’ll feel warm because of the big bonfires and at the end you can enjoy fireworks at the rhythm of the music.Sandra, Honduras

The “Hiburi Kamakura” festival reminded me of our traditional ceremony in my county! last Tuesday night of every year in Iranian calendar (somewhere in the middle of March) we are making big fires with our families and friends!Hadi, Iran
About festival
The Hiburi-Kamakura Festival celebrates the start of the new lunar year. Local people hold meter long straw ropes lit on fire and proceed to swing it around their body. Hiburi-kamakura is a unique and mystical sight to behold at night. Visitors can not only enjoy watching the traditional fesitval but incredibly are able to join in themselves and try first hand the fire swinging experience
- Date:
- February 13th-14th
- Place:
- 14th – in each area of Kakunodate town.
- 13th – Sakura namiki city parking in Kakunodate town.
- By train:
- take Akita Shinkansen (bullet train) Komachi and get off JR Kakunodate station, then 20min walk.
- By car:
- From Akita city, Route.46 (55min)
From Lake Tazawa area, Route 46(30min)

Great Tug of War Festival
in Kariwano

This is probably my favorite winter festival in Japan. A giant tug of war involving thousands of people in the main street of Daisen. Choose a side, hold on tightly to the rope and pull with all your might. Everyone is encouraged to join in and it’s so much fun.Wil, Australia
About festival
Japan’s largest tug of war event in Kariwano Akita is a massive group competition involving both local people and visitors. About 200 metres long and weighing over 10 tonnes the rope is tugged by several thousand citizens and festival visitors who strive to win this event which celebrates the local crop success. This is another amazing opportunity to join in and experience being part of “Hikiai” tug of war, a unique local festival.
- Date:
- February 10th
- Place:
- Kariwano Omachi Oodori
- By Train:
- Take 40min from JR Akita station to JR Kariwano station, then 5min walk to the site.
- By Car:
- Akita express highway
Kyowa I.C – Route.341 – Festival site. (37min from Akita city)

Paper Balloon Festival
of Kamihinokinai

The paper balloon festival was awesome! I wrote my wish on the balloon, it flew and my wish really came true! The cold didn’t bother meTina, Indonesia

The numerous colorful balloons with pictures of samurai, geisha and anime characters will make you think for a moment that you are no longer part of this world but instead you have fallen into one of Hayao Miyazaki’s movies. A truly marvelous view, a spectacle of light, music and snowGrigore Florin, Romania

It was one of great experiences I had in Japan! I have never seen such big and beautiful balloons before, so I really enjoyed it! Even though it was cold that day, one could warm himself by drinks and food from the stalls around, so it was a nice decision to go there!Anna, Ukraine
About festival
Involving large intricately painted paper balloons as tall as 8 meters high, about 100 paper balloons are lit and launched into the night sky. This fantastic event has more than 100 years’ history and is a truly spectacular sight to see. It is highly recommended to arrive by 5:00PM, to fully appreciate all the festival has to offer as visitors are able to participate in this festival by writing a wish on a paper balloon for free and then watching its release into the sky- Date:
- February 10th
- Place:
- Paper balloon festival special site in Kamihinokinai, Nishiki-cho Semboku city
- By train:
- From JR Kakunodate station (Bullet train stop), change to Akita Nairiku Line and get off Kamihinokinai station then 7min walk. (About 45min)
- By car:
- From Akita city, go towards Kakunodate by Route.64, then go towards Kamihinokinai by Route.105. ( 1h20min from Akita city in total, 40min from Kakunodate area.)

Namahage Sedo Festival なまはげ柴灯まつり

I’ll never forget the sound of all the children crying in the night as we watched the Namahage begin their slow descent down from the mountain towards us. It is at once fascinating, humorous and macabre.Wil, Australia

The event brings you closer to the story telling in the Japanese culture. It is very interesting to learn how discipline was instilled in the past and how the children responded to it. Just be prepared to be scared too…..?Fyfy, Botswana
About festival
The Namahage Sedo Festival portrays the traditional Japanese folklore through a cutural parade involving performers wearing masks and costumes, beating drums and holding knives, buckets and burning torches thus depicting the “Namahage” mountain deity of Oga area of Akita Prefecture. You will experience the Namahage spirit and tradition and enjoy the dynamic “Wadaiko” Japanese drum performance.
- Date:
- Friday, Saturday and Sunday in the 2nd week of February
- Place:
- Shinzan shrine, Oga city, Akita Japan
- By Train:
- take Oga line and get off Oga station, temporary shuttle bus service from JR Oga station for the festival.
- By car:
- From Akita city – Route 101. – Route.56 – festival site (1hour)

Inukko Festival 犬っこまつり

Brighten up your winter by visiting Inukko Festival in downtown Yuzawa. A short walk from the train station, be prepared to catch snowflakes on your nose, to be lured in by the smells at yummy festival food booths, and to pose for photos next to giant dog statues made of snow. The origins of the event date back 400 years, when there was a thief wreaking havoc in the region. It has developed into a grand display featuring guard dogs standing in front of ornately carved snow shrines. In the daytime, catch a ride on a horse-drawn sleigh, warm up in the dome selling locally crafted goods and best of all, watch dogs of all sizes and breeds walking around with their owners. In the evening, escape the chill with a taste of Yuzawa’s famous sake and stick around for fireworks lighting up the statues in this winter wonderland.Debbra, USA
About festival
In Japanese dogs are known as “Inu”, however in local Akita, people refer to dogs as “Inukko”, a cute slang variation. This event has over 380 years’ history, and showcases enormous dog snow statues and Japanese shrine snow statues for visitors to appreciate. Also, you can enjoy local food and cultural events at the same time, especially don’t miss some local Japanese Sake breweries offering sake tasting for the public.
- Date:
- Saturday and Sunday in the 2nd week of February
- Place:
- Outside of Yuzawa city hall, special event site.
- By train:
- take Oou Line and get off JR Yuzawa station then 10min walk from JR Yuzawa station.
Also, Event free shuttle bus from JR Yuzawa station. - By car:
- Akita express highway
Yuzawa I.C – Route.398 – Festival site (5min)

Takeuchi (Bamboo Fight) festival
of Rokugo

The world’s most exciting bamboo festival, “TAKEUCHI “ here in Rokugo, Misato.Akita.It’s fascinating to see people wearing helmets and jackets,hitting each other in a friendly way.I enjoyed reading the wishes written in Kanji on the colorful cloth called the “TEMPITSU“, which is about 3 meters long.
In the course of the festival, people throw the Tempitsu into the fire so their wishes burn up and transform them into dreams that may come true.
This time I`d love you to experience this traditional festival which is as old as 700 years.Please do take part in this amazing event.Believe me, it’s a great festival full of excitement and phenomenal people to be with.Melvin Alexcie Pattern, Australia
About festival
This unique festival might be one of the most crazy and extreme festivals in Japan!
Participants are divided into north and south teams, who then fight one another holding 6 metre long bamboo poles which are lit on fire. Monitored strictly to adhere to health and safety regulations, visitors are able to participate in this one of a kind festival. According to history, if the North wins, there will be a good rice harvest this year; if the South wins, the price of rice will increase.
- Date:
- February 12th – 15th. (Takeuchi is 15th 8PM~)
- Place:
- Akita Suwa shrine in Hondomachi Rokugo, Misato-cho Semboku-gun Akita.
- By train:
- Akita Shinkansen (bullet train) Komachi from Tokyo,
get off JR Omagari station, then take a public bus or taxi. - By public bus:
- Ugo Kotsu Omagari bus terminal near JR Omagari station, it takes
25min bounds for Yokote bus terminal and get off Rokugo Kamimachi,
then 5min walk. - By car:
- Akita express highway
Yokote I.C – Route.13 – Festival (30mim)
Omagari I.C – Route.13 – Festival site (17min)
Akita city – Akita Minami I.C – Omagari I.C – Route.13 – Festival site (1hour)